By Local Guides

Paricutin Volcano Crater Special Tour

Don’t miss the experience of climbing to one of the #7NaturalWonders of the world!!! As of February 20th 1943, the quiet green corn fields turned hot as Dionisio Pulido (the farmer) saw the smoke coming out of the ground. Months later, the ash rain was so hard in the area that destroyed homes & fields reaching over 300 kilometers around the crater. In 1997, CNN released a “Seven Natural Wonders of the World” list, which includes the volcano in Mexico as an important geological phenomenon. Come to discover the locations where scientists & photographers were, when they knew that the volcano was having activity for 9 years, 10 months, 11 days and 6 hours!

NOTE: The climb to the crater require excellent body shape and people willing to ride a horse for 2-4 hours, long walk and climb on volcanic rocks & ash. To customize this tour to more than 2 people contact me!

Tour Duration: 1 Days

Tour Type: Transport Based

Maximum Number of People: 2

Tour Highlights:

The excursion on a horseback ride for about 2-4 hours is the only way to find the path for climbing the crater in a short cut. The local Indian guide will lead the climb to the very top by stepping on the big rocks trying not to roll down. On the way back to the car after 6 hours, we still can do the stop at the remains of the local church that was crashed by the flows of lava.

Don`t you miss the experience of climbing to one of the #7NaturalWonders of the world!!!

Note: If you come in a larger group, don’t hesitate to contact me for a new quotation…

Tours Inclusions:

Tour works with a minimum of 2 people. Single travelers will pay for 2 people as private service.

Tours Exclusions:

Breakfast early morning, lunch, snacks or any other meals.

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Ave. Palenque Sm. 26 CP. 77509 Q.R.


Nieve #208-A
CP. 68040 Oaxaca


Braulio Mercado #540
CP. 58219 Michoacan


Calle 43 #555
CP. 97000 Yucatan

San Cristobal

Paseo de las Flores 2
CP. 29298 Chiapas

Mexico City

Durango #108, Roma
Del. Cuauhtémoc
CP. 06700


Paseo de Belleza #1414
CP. 31125 Chihuahua


Plateros #2567
Jardines GDL
CP. 44210
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