By Local Guides

Cultural Tours in Oaxaca

Oaxaca is blessed with so much to do & see that sightseeing is tailored to meet your most desired interests as follows:

Half day tours to nearby sites or within the city, 3-41/2 hrs.

Full day tours combining several activities & sites, 8-9 hrs.

Overnight tours to reach out further and have 2 full days to explore an area Multiple overnight tours to see an area or areas in more detail as due to Oaxaca’s geography some areas of interest are far away…

Some like to hike in nature, others enjoy exploring ancient sites of the Zapotec & Mixtec ancient kingdoms, others like to visit colonial jewels to admire unique architecture & religious art, others collect folk art and like to visit multiple villages to meet the artists, many love botany and like to go to our ethnobotanic garden and further away to the cacti biosphere, others want to learn Oaxacan cooking secrets in multiple choices we have, others like to go to authentic ethnic markets away from tourist traffic and connect with the real Mexico, some like to combine a little of all the above to see a variety of sites and places…

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Ave. Palenque Sm. 26 CP. 77509 Q.R.


Nieve #208-A
CP. 68040 Oaxaca


Braulio Mercado #540
CP. 58219 Michoacan


Calle 43 #555
CP. 97000 Yucatan

San Cristobal

Paseo de las Flores 2
CP. 29298 Chiapas

Mexico City

Durango #108, Roma
Del. Cuauhtémoc
CP. 06700


Paseo de Belleza #1414
CP. 31125 Chihuahua


Plateros #2567
Jardines GDL
CP. 44210
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