Day of the Dead in Michoacan

The Lake region of Patzcuaro has Pre-Hispanic strong roots and constitutes an important area of typical towns in which most of the people still preserve the culture & traditions of the Purepecha civilization (1320-1526), since they populated the lake region in the early XIV century.
In the old times of the Purepecha culture, death was understood as the next step in life, or a second half of life, but in a different place; the yellow kingdom. This last is the reason they all have marigold flowers to welcome the dead souls.
Today, the commemoration of the dead preserves both the pre Columbian & catholic significance of making offerings to those people who have passed away. The beliefs that life continues after death & all souls are back tonight to meet with the living, are important reasons to keep doing this ceremony: to remember the existence of all souls with the funerary rituals.
In Mexico the famous Day Of The Dead celebration is still alive! “We’re not a costume, we are a culture”
¡En nuestro país la celebración del Dia De Muertos sigue viva! “No somos un disfraz, somos una cultura”
Au Mexique, la célébration Le Jour Des Mortes est toujours vivante! “Nous ne sommes pas un costume, nous sommes une culture”
There are 3 important reasons to book this tour to Lake Patzcuaro, next time you want to travel to Mexico for the DAYOFTHEDEAD celebrations:
- You don´t speak Spanish.
- You are interested in the Mexican culture.
- You want to come and be part of an intimate celebration
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