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The Sea Of Cortez & Baja California Peninsula

Francisco de Ulloa named the Sea of Cortes (present-day Gulf of California) in honor of Hernán Cortés in 1539. Originally, Ulloa believed that the gulf led to the mythical Strait of Anián, which was thought to connect the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean.

Famous Jacques Ives Cousteau named the Sea Of Cortes the Largest Aquarium in the World, wherever you look will find beautiful views and some crystal and some deep blue waters with an abundance of marine life because  The Sea of Cortez or Gulf of California as some called it host ¾ of all marine life of the planet but you better come as part of guided tours or journeys because due geological formation NOT everywhere is swimmable thus you need local guidance and safety procedures.

The Sea of Cortez is also an important feeding and breeding area for large marine mammals, including the Blue Whale, the Humpback Whale, the Gray Whale, the Sperm Whale, the Pilot Whale, the Beaked Dolphin, and Bryde’s Fin Whale.

There are over 300 birds reported in Baja California Peninsula among them are 8 endemics and many more subspecies in a relatively small area,  Maria Elena Muriel can save you time money, and effort to find them and include them in your life list, but she prefers you to enjoy their behaviors, personalities, and moods as they make their daily living.

“The Sea Of Cortez & Baja California Peninsula” by Maria Elena.

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