The tree has inspired the inspiration of writers. Under its shade romances have been sheltered and walkers, warriors and all sorts of animals have found relief. It is enough to look around the place where we work to appreciate the presence of the tree: the paper on which we write; the desk, the chair, the pencil, the bookcase, the books, the door, the coal.
It is difficult to imagine modern life without the benefits that trees provide us. Furthermore, we can assure that man would not live without them. Since ancient times, our ancestors used them as homes and fed on their fruits. With its wood they built hunting weapons, they made fire to light themselves and to cook their food. In many countries, forests are an important source of food: fruits, nuts, leaves, roots and fungi.
The leaves, shoots and fruits of the forest provide fodder for livestock. Besides the known forest products, forests provide others, called secondary: fibers, rubber, gum, dyes, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, as well as ornamental plants.
Trees protect the soil against erosion; in mountains or sloping soils they prevent the water from dragging the earth. In arid and semi-arid areas, trees prevent the raising of dust, lessen storms and are barriers that stop the advance of the dunes, which threaten to encroach on farmland.
Trees that are home to countless animal and plant species consume carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen. Preserving the environment is one of its most important functions.
“Let’s plant more trees” by Jerry Ham.