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35 UNESCO sites in Mexico!

As of 2018, there are thirty-five World Heritage Sites in Mexico, including twenty-seven cultural sites, six natural sites and two mixed sites. The country ranks 1st in the Americas and 7th worldwide by number of Heritage sites.

When travelers fly to Mexico, they should know which one of these attractions are located close to the airport or the hotels programmed to stay, in order to have the opportunity to go see one of the natural, cultural or historic destinations included in the list.

Mexico’s first six sites, Sian Ka’an, Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of PalenqueHistoric Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco, Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan, Historic Centre of Oaxaca and Archaeological site of Monte Albán, and Historic Centre of Puebla, were inscribed on the list in 1987.

There are also 9 traditions and celebrations which considered Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mexico: Indigenous festivals dedicated to the deadThe ceremony of the Flying Dancers, The Peña de BernalThe traditional January party of Chiapa de Corzo, The traditional song of the P’urhépechas, Traditional Mexican cuisine, The Mariachi, The charrería and The pilgrimage of Zapopan.


Timing is important, not only to stay away from the crowd at archaeological sites but, because some of the cultural expressions of the country take place on holidays, once a year or seasonal.

Some of them are the Whale watching in Baja California and the Monarch Butterfly site in Michoacan, both seen on wintertime only!

35 UNESCO Sites in Mexico!” by Alfredo de la Cruz.

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Ave. Palenque Sm. 26 CP. 77509 Q.R.


Nieve #208-A
CP. 68040 Oaxaca


Braulio Mercado #540
CP. 58219 Michoacan


Calle 43 #555
CP. 97000 Yucatan

San Cristobal

Paseo de las Flores 2
CP. 29298 Chiapas

Mexico City

Durango #108, Roma
Del. Cuauhtémoc
CP. 06700


Paseo de Belleza #1414
CP. 31125 Chihuahua


Plateros #2567
Jardines GDL
CP. 44210
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